Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Settling in TMB (II) : A Citizen oath

New settlers in Twin Mountain Base (the guild and the city) have to take an oath, it is both an opportunity for rolelplay and a public commitment to the community. The ceremony takes place in the following manner:

New citizens, mayor, militia / guild officers must wear proper attire (formal clothing, uniforms if in the military, no visible weapon). The audience is invited to dress accordingly. While moving into the City Hall, please walk and not run.

Mayor : "I welcome you to the city hall, it represents the effort to build and maintain a community of like-minded sentients, exercising their rights to live among themselves, to chose their leaders and to enjoy the benefits of their chosen careers.
"Our community is based on respect, solidarity and responsibility ; as an Imperial city it upholds Imperial laws and regulations to maintain a just order during troubled galactic times.
"You have come freely towards our community and we will welcome you as a member.
"I will ask you to publicly pledge your commitment to our community."

Citizen: "I ask to be recognized as a member of the community. I understand its rules and accept them, I will show respect and solidarity to my fellows. I understand that my behavior will reflect upon the entire community whenever dealing with outside members and will uphold our community's standards at all times."

Mayor: "I hear your commitment and on behalf of the members of our community, welcome you to it. You shall be recognized as a full member, with the same rights as your fellows. I wish you to develop here long lasting friendships, going well beyond the simple act of solidarity.

Mayor / guild leader : accept sponsored guildmates, /grantzoningrights into the city for settlement.

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