Monday, May 25, 2009

Where are they now ?

Scylla: Isloreot Pagott, somewhere between Tarn's son and third cousin, Isloreot is current mayor of Twin Mountain Base (or what's left of it). Since he's only a level 12, he basically rushed to TMB once Tarn transferred to Europe-Chimerae to save the city. His first actions as mayor were to: reduce city maintnance by removing all decorations, gardens, civic structures and the like to ensure that the city may remain as long as possible with limited funds, save from destruction several player owned buildings (from June 1st, any player owned structure from a toon that has logged in for 90 days will be packed up automatically), so in TMB that means the entire city save for 3 buildings...So preventing the city to fall under 5 citizens is key.

Scylla: Unborn toon will be created asap to move in TMB to add another citizen.

Gorath: Lapila Meafa has done some shopping, she's quite happy with her new look.

Gorath: Ibaoki Nao has 6 +35 suits to craft. She's not too happy about it...

Euro-Chim: Ismau Airehea is still leveling up (atm Jedi, 52) and spending all his expertise points in BM. His house has been turned into a temporary stock room for Tarn. Ismau's made a real fun foraging trip over 2,5 km. Great findings, the strappings of a short story are hidden in this trip.

Tarn-Uldir Pagott: The master ranger is back, spent the last days transforming the Museum of Natural History. It now looks so much better, with more displays, more space and is better organized. Check out the BM room (Ismau's lab). Other than that, he's guilded into Consortium (TIUM) a nice guild of RP'ers and hangs around Caught Bodva, a FR RP city.

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