Les Dantari prisent particulièrement les racines de Vincha, un puissant sédatif, qui se présentent sous la forme d'un tubercule blanchâtre de la taille d'un pouce. Compte tenu de leur caractéristique naturelle, il est vraisemblable de penser qu'elles occupent un rôle central dans la médecine de ce peuple.
Cependant, peu d'information existent sur cette plante. Afin de pallier à ce cruel manque de connaissance, Tarn a entrepris de cataloguer la flore dantari, avec l'espoir d'identifier la fameuse plante.
[HRP] Cet article sibyllin de Wookieepedia nous renseigne peu sur les racines de Vincha, puissant sédatif prisé des Dantari. La page relative à la flore de Dantooine est également assez clairsemée.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Tarn's mohawk

Tarn's adpoted this traditional hairstyle early in his scouting career. Beyond aesthetism, there were some pratical reasons, such as health and hygiene. Later in life, he added significance to his haircut. In accordance to traditional beliefs, the mohawk symbolizes the energy fields that radiates around a being's body. This belief may be somehow related at a symbolic level to that of the Aa'kuans to whom the respect of the private space is paramount.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Where are they now ?
Scylla: Isloreot Pagott, somewhere between Tarn's son and third cousin, Isloreot is current mayor of Twin Mountain Base (or what's left of it). Since he's only a level 12, he basically rushed to TMB once Tarn transferred to Europe-Chimerae to save the city. His first actions as mayor were to: reduce city maintnance by removing all decorations, gardens, civic structures and the like to ensure that the city may remain as long as possible with limited funds, save from destruction several player owned buildings (from June 1st, any player owned structure from a toon that has logged in for 90 days will be packed up automatically), so in TMB that means the entire city save for 3 buildings...So preventing the city to fall under 5 citizens is key.
Scylla: Unborn toon will be created asap to move in TMB to add another citizen.
Gorath: Lapila Meafa has done some shopping, she's quite happy with her new look.
Gorath: Ibaoki Nao has 6 +35 suits to craft. She's not too happy about it...
Euro-Chim: Ismau Airehea is still leveling up (atm Jedi, 52) and spending all his expertise points in BM. His house has been turned into a temporary stock room for Tarn. Ismau's made a real fun foraging trip over 2,5 km. Great findings, the strappings of a short story are hidden in this trip.
Tarn-Uldir Pagott: The master ranger is back, spent the last days transforming the Museum of Natural History. It now looks so much better, with more displays, more space and is better organized. Check out the BM room (Ismau's lab). Other than that, he's guilded into Consortium (TIUM) a nice guild of RP'ers and hangs around Caught Bodva, a FR RP city.
Scylla: Unborn toon will be created asap to move in TMB to add another citizen.
Gorath: Lapila Meafa has done some shopping, she's quite happy with her new look.
Gorath: Ibaoki Nao has 6 +35 suits to craft. She's not too happy about it...
Euro-Chim: Ismau Airehea is still leveling up (atm Jedi, 52) and spending all his expertise points in BM. His house has been turned into a temporary stock room for Tarn. Ismau's made a real fun foraging trip over 2,5 km. Great findings, the strappings of a short story are hidden in this trip.
Tarn-Uldir Pagott: The master ranger is back, spent the last days transforming the Museum of Natural History. It now looks so much better, with more displays, more space and is better organized. Check out the BM room (Ismau's lab). Other than that, he's guilded into Consortium (TIUM) a nice guild of RP'ers and hangs around Caught Bodva, a FR RP city.
Tarn is back, tell a friend
It's been such a long time that I haven't blogged in here that I could almost hear the rust creaking from the "connect" button. Fun to think that it's been so long while actually so much happened.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Eweev's tales (II)
Eweev walked into the house she had grown up in. Sadness filtered through her, as she looked around the now littered house seeing the destruction all around her.
She could feel Mark behind her. He felt cautious, as he picked his way among the remnants of furniture and a lifetime of memories.
She bent down to pick up a holovid. Borsk Naefai stood smiling at her, frozen for an eternity. The only thing left of the man who had loved and raised her as his own daughter. A stray tear slid down her face.
Eweev jumped as she felt a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“Are you sure you want to do this, Master?” he asked, as he crouched down beside her.
Eweev smiled, as memories flooded back to her. “This man made my childhood happy.” She opened her pack and placed the holovid inside.
“Your Father?”
She nodded. “Borsk adopted me and treated me as his own.” She stood, brushing dust from her skirt. Her eyes took in his. “I need to do this.” She couldn’t explain the compelling urge that pushed her forward.
“What happened here?” he finally asked, as they made their way upstairs. Pictures hung at various angles, as they went up the stairs.
“The Stormtroopers,” Eweev said, sighing, as she placed a hand on a knob and began to turn it. She gave a little shove in the force to shift the debris behind the door on the other side. “They must have searched this place for me, after they killed my Father.”
She paused just inside to survey the damage. The bed was overturned, its purple coverings strewn across the floor. Lamps lay shattered on their sides. The dresser was toppled over; its drawers and contents flung haphazardly.
The closet door hung askew on its hinges. Everything inside had been dumped to the floor in their search.
Eweev shifted in the rubble, picking up a small porcelain doll. She hugged it close to her heart; grateful one thing had survived the destruction.
Mark followed her, as she picked her way back through the rubble, holding onto the relic from her childhood.
She made her way down the hall and into another room at the back.
When she tried the door, it gave easily. The destruction in this room wasn’t as bad as hers.
She stepped over an overturned drawer, her eyes on the air shimmering before her.
She felt her heart beat faster, as she watched the air resolve itself into the force ghost of her Mother.
Deanna reached out to touch her daughter’s cheek. “The answers you seek are here, My Daughter.”
Eweev’s eyes widened. “I seek no answers.”
Her mother smiled at her. “Your heart does.” That smile turned sad. “You are walking a dangerous path.” She reached out with a luminescent hand, caressing her daughter’s cheek. “He doesn’t want to see you go down this path.”
A silent tear slid down Eweev’s cheek.
She could feel Mark behind her. He felt cautious, as he picked his way among the remnants of furniture and a lifetime of memories.
She bent down to pick up a holovid. Borsk Naefai stood smiling at her, frozen for an eternity. The only thing left of the man who had loved and raised her as his own daughter. A stray tear slid down her face.
Eweev jumped as she felt a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“Are you sure you want to do this, Master?” he asked, as he crouched down beside her.
Eweev smiled, as memories flooded back to her. “This man made my childhood happy.” She opened her pack and placed the holovid inside.
“Your Father?”
She nodded. “Borsk adopted me and treated me as his own.” She stood, brushing dust from her skirt. Her eyes took in his. “I need to do this.” She couldn’t explain the compelling urge that pushed her forward.
“What happened here?” he finally asked, as they made their way upstairs. Pictures hung at various angles, as they went up the stairs.
“The Stormtroopers,” Eweev said, sighing, as she placed a hand on a knob and began to turn it. She gave a little shove in the force to shift the debris behind the door on the other side. “They must have searched this place for me, after they killed my Father.”
She paused just inside to survey the damage. The bed was overturned, its purple coverings strewn across the floor. Lamps lay shattered on their sides. The dresser was toppled over; its drawers and contents flung haphazardly.
The closet door hung askew on its hinges. Everything inside had been dumped to the floor in their search.
Eweev shifted in the rubble, picking up a small porcelain doll. She hugged it close to her heart; grateful one thing had survived the destruction.
Mark followed her, as she picked her way back through the rubble, holding onto the relic from her childhood.
She made her way down the hall and into another room at the back.
When she tried the door, it gave easily. The destruction in this room wasn’t as bad as hers.
She stepped over an overturned drawer, her eyes on the air shimmering before her.
She felt her heart beat faster, as she watched the air resolve itself into the force ghost of her Mother.
Deanna reached out to touch her daughter’s cheek. “The answers you seek are here, My Daughter.”
Eweev’s eyes widened. “I seek no answers.”
Her mother smiled at her. “Your heart does.” That smile turned sad. “You are walking a dangerous path.” She reached out with a luminescent hand, caressing her daughter’s cheek. “He doesn’t want to see you go down this path.”
A silent tear slid down Eweev’s cheek.
Eweev's tales
Eweev hooked the stray strand of blonde hair behind her ear, as she stepped out of the small star port and into the dusty street.
A small cantina was on her left. It would probably be empty at this time of the day. On the right, was a medical center.
A soft breeze blew her hair across her face. She smiled, moving it behind her other ear, as she took in the metal fence encircling the buildings, to keep small animals out of this place.
Beyond the fence, stood the rolling purple land she was so familiar with. It was just as she had remembered all of it.
Eweev closed her eyes, taking in all of the sounds of home.
“Are you ok, Miss?”
Eweev opened her eyes to see a tall man with dark hair standing in front of her. He wore dark brown pants and a tan shirt. A dark cloak draped his shoulders, shifting behind him in the light breeze.
Her eyes drifted to his dark, leather belt and the lightsaber resting against his hip. She resisted the urge to place her hands into the pocket of the light blue skirt she wore, to pull out her own.
Her eyes flicked up to his. She knew she couldn’t be felt by him and her lightsaber was within reach, but hidden.
Eweev gave him a bright smile. “I’m fine,” she told him. “I’m just enjoying the breeze.”
His hand went to his hilt. It was an unconscious movement, as it encircled the metal. “Are you sure?” he asked. “You seem a bit nervous.”
Eweev took a small breath. She had every right to be nervous. If he knew who she was, there would be a fight.
“Yes, thank you,” she said. “I’m just coming home for a brief visit.”
“Can I take you somewhere?” he asked. “Dantooine may not be friendly for a lady.”
Her hand went to her hip, to the DH 44 pistol holstered there. “I’m not without protection.”
Eweev could feel the darkness within him. But, there was something just underneath the surface.
He nodded.
Eweev stepped around him, as she stepped towards the cantina. The space between her shoulders blades tingled in warning.
Without thinking, her hand slipped into her pocket, withdrawing her saber hilt. She spun, as the purple blade snap-hissed to life; knocking away a blaster bold aimed her way.
She stood face to face with a tall, armor-clad man, aiming a blaster at her.
Her eyes met the first man she had been talking to. His saber was in his hands, red blade extended in warning.
The man in armor fired again. She deflected the bolt harmlessly away.
The dark Jedi jumped over the fallen man, grabbing her arm, pulling her past the cantina to an AV-21 speeder parked on the other side.
Without thinking, she jumped into the passenger side. He pushed forward on the throttle, taking them away from the mining outpost and into the grasslands of Dantooine.
He took his eyes from where he was driving to look over at her. “You’re a Jedi.”
“I am.”
“That bounty hunter was trying to capture you, not kill you.” He focused his attention back in front of him. “Why?”
It was apparent he hadn’t figured out who she was.
“Darth Vader wants me alive.”
He nodded. “Where are we going?”
“Just head north west,” she told him.
“Unusual,” he said, his eyes fixing on hers again. “Of course, you’re an unusual woman.” He fixed his gaze on where he was driving. “I’m Mark, by the way.”
She slid her lightsaber back into her pocket, pushing her hair out of her face. “I’m Eweev.”
A small cantina was on her left. It would probably be empty at this time of the day. On the right, was a medical center.
A soft breeze blew her hair across her face. She smiled, moving it behind her other ear, as she took in the metal fence encircling the buildings, to keep small animals out of this place.
Beyond the fence, stood the rolling purple land she was so familiar with. It was just as she had remembered all of it.
Eweev closed her eyes, taking in all of the sounds of home.
“Are you ok, Miss?”
Eweev opened her eyes to see a tall man with dark hair standing in front of her. He wore dark brown pants and a tan shirt. A dark cloak draped his shoulders, shifting behind him in the light breeze.
Her eyes drifted to his dark, leather belt and the lightsaber resting against his hip. She resisted the urge to place her hands into the pocket of the light blue skirt she wore, to pull out her own.
Her eyes flicked up to his. She knew she couldn’t be felt by him and her lightsaber was within reach, but hidden.
Eweev gave him a bright smile. “I’m fine,” she told him. “I’m just enjoying the breeze.”
His hand went to his hilt. It was an unconscious movement, as it encircled the metal. “Are you sure?” he asked. “You seem a bit nervous.”
Eweev took a small breath. She had every right to be nervous. If he knew who she was, there would be a fight.
“Yes, thank you,” she said. “I’m just coming home for a brief visit.”
“Can I take you somewhere?” he asked. “Dantooine may not be friendly for a lady.”
Her hand went to her hip, to the DH 44 pistol holstered there. “I’m not without protection.”
Eweev could feel the darkness within him. But, there was something just underneath the surface.
He nodded.
Eweev stepped around him, as she stepped towards the cantina. The space between her shoulders blades tingled in warning.
Without thinking, her hand slipped into her pocket, withdrawing her saber hilt. She spun, as the purple blade snap-hissed to life; knocking away a blaster bold aimed her way.
She stood face to face with a tall, armor-clad man, aiming a blaster at her.
Her eyes met the first man she had been talking to. His saber was in his hands, red blade extended in warning.
The man in armor fired again. She deflected the bolt harmlessly away.
The dark Jedi jumped over the fallen man, grabbing her arm, pulling her past the cantina to an AV-21 speeder parked on the other side.
Without thinking, she jumped into the passenger side. He pushed forward on the throttle, taking them away from the mining outpost and into the grasslands of Dantooine.
He took his eyes from where he was driving to look over at her. “You’re a Jedi.”
“I am.”
“That bounty hunter was trying to capture you, not kill you.” He focused his attention back in front of him. “Why?”
It was apparent he hadn’t figured out who she was.
“Darth Vader wants me alive.”
He nodded. “Where are we going?”
“Just head north west,” she told him.
“Unusual,” he said, his eyes fixing on hers again. “Of course, you’re an unusual woman.” He fixed his gaze on where he was driving. “I’m Mark, by the way.”
She slid her lightsaber back into her pocket, pushing her hair out of her face. “I’m Eweev.”
Thursday, March 26, 2009
City Maintenance XXXVII
From: City Hall
Object: City Maintenance
Date: Sun. Mar. 22nd
Mayor Tarn Pagott,
A total of 29150 credits has been paid from the city treasury for maintenance and upkeep of structure.
Object: City Maintenance
Date: Sun. Mar. 22nd
Mayor Tarn Pagott,
A total of 29150 credits has been paid from the city treasury for maintenance and upkeep of structure.
Eweev's tale
Tanisi sat down at the tap caf, looking outside the throng of sentient passing by. He wrapped his hands around his steaming mug of caf.
He smiled to himself as he looked down into the black liquid. Things couldn’t be going smoother, if he had planned it.
Eweev was already beginning to see what she was becoming. It scared her, but he knew she wasn’t going to resist.
He felt the storm brewing. Darkness was beginning to permeate through the bond soon; she would be on their side.
The sound of flesh against wood caused him to jump in his seat, bringing him out of his thoughts. He glared at the white Zabrak sitting across from him.
“This booth is taken,” he stated coldly.
A huge smile spread across the man’s ghostly, pale face. “Where is your companion?” he asked, eyes darting around the tap caf. He laughed, seeing the confusion on Tanisi’s face. “The beautiful blonde you were with the other day at the bunker.”
Tanisi couldn’t keep the shock from crossing his face. “What do you want with Eweev?” he demanded.
The smile from the other man sent a chill down his spine.
“The same thing you want, darksider.” He leaned closer, almost whispering. “Be careful with her. She’s no mere darksider.”
“She’s powerful.”
“It’s more than that,” the Zabrak confided. “She will easily rival the two Sith in control. She needs guidance.” He paused pointing a finger at Tanisi. “She needs to be shown what she is.”
Tanisi looked down at the cooling caf in his mug. “Eweev already feels she’s turning Sith.”
He glanced up to see the Zabrak nod, settling his back against the booth.
“She needs to be shown slowly,” he reiterated. “Her destiny can fork in two ways.” His stare became intense. “I want to make sure she brings glory to the Sith and not destroy them.”
He smiled to himself as he looked down into the black liquid. Things couldn’t be going smoother, if he had planned it.
Eweev was already beginning to see what she was becoming. It scared her, but he knew she wasn’t going to resist.
He felt the storm brewing. Darkness was beginning to permeate through the bond soon; she would be on their side.
The sound of flesh against wood caused him to jump in his seat, bringing him out of his thoughts. He glared at the white Zabrak sitting across from him.
“This booth is taken,” he stated coldly.
A huge smile spread across the man’s ghostly, pale face. “Where is your companion?” he asked, eyes darting around the tap caf. He laughed, seeing the confusion on Tanisi’s face. “The beautiful blonde you were with the other day at the bunker.”
Tanisi couldn’t keep the shock from crossing his face. “What do you want with Eweev?” he demanded.
The smile from the other man sent a chill down his spine.
“The same thing you want, darksider.” He leaned closer, almost whispering. “Be careful with her. She’s no mere darksider.”
“She’s powerful.”
“It’s more than that,” the Zabrak confided. “She will easily rival the two Sith in control. She needs guidance.” He paused pointing a finger at Tanisi. “She needs to be shown what she is.”
Tanisi looked down at the cooling caf in his mug. “Eweev already feels she’s turning Sith.”
He glanced up to see the Zabrak nod, settling his back against the booth.
“She needs to be shown slowly,” he reiterated. “Her destiny can fork in two ways.” His stare became intense. “I want to make sure she brings glory to the Sith and not destroy them.”
Sunday, March 15, 2009
City Information
This week has seen many events in our fine city.
The city contraction to rank 3 (Township) has brought our city down to 18 citizens, with the unfortunate consequence of losing our shuttleport (one of the oldest on Lok).
Citizens with Homing Beacons in their homes will still be able to land in the city.
In the course of the previous days, several institutions have been fleshed out in better details, be they the Galactic Vagrant Buildings Demolition Movement or the Planetary Civic Authority.
The city's establishment of the "City Network" has been designed to access detailed information about our township, while a new message system, greetings Moutainbasers and visitors alike is now in place.
The city contraction to rank 3 (Township) has brought our city down to 18 citizens, with the unfortunate consequence of losing our shuttleport (one of the oldest on Lok).
Citizens with Homing Beacons in their homes will still be able to land in the city.
In the course of the previous days, several institutions have been fleshed out in better details, be they the Galactic Vagrant Buildings Demolition Movement or the Planetary Civic Authority.
The city's establishment of the "City Network" has been designed to access detailed information about our township, while a new message system, greetings Moutainbasers and visitors alike is now in place.
Elections Anyone ? XVI
FM: City Hall
Obj: Election won
Date: Sun. March. 15th
Congratulations, Mayor Tarn Pagott!
The populace of Twin Mountain Base has elected to retain you for another term. Your rights and privileges as Mayor have not changed. The next mayoral election has started and the results will be tabulated in three weeks' time.
The city thanks you for your continued service.
Obj: Election won
Date: Sun. March. 15th
Congratulations, Mayor Tarn Pagott!
The populace of Twin Mountain Base has elected to retain you for another term. Your rights and privileges as Mayor have not changed. The next mayoral election has started and the results will be tabulated in three weeks' time.
The city thanks you for your continued service.
City Can't Support Structure
Mayor Tarn Pagott,
The structure "Shuttleport" cannot be supported by the current city rank!
This structure will be removed from the city in one week unless the city's rank increases to the level necessary to support it. You must either raise the city's population or re-deed the structure to save it.
The structure "Shuttleport" cannot be supported by the current city rank!
This structure will be removed from the city in one week unless the city's rank increases to the level necessary to support it. You must either raise the city's population or re-deed the structure to save it.
City Contraction II
FM: City Hall
Date: Sun. March 15th
The city of Twin Mountain Base has contracted to rank 3 due to lack of population. Some of your civic structures may have been destroyed. Please check the city manage terminal report menus and your email for more information.
Date: Sun. March 15th
The city of Twin Mountain Base has contracted to rank 3 due to lack of population. Some of your civic structures may have been destroyed. Please check the city manage terminal report menus and your email for more information.
City Maintenance XXXVI
From: City Hall
Object: City Maintenance
Date: Sun. Mar. 15th
Mayor Tarn Pagott,
A total of 39000 credits has been paid from the city treasury for maintenance and upkeep of structure.
Object: City Maintenance
Date: Sun. Mar. 15th
Mayor Tarn Pagott,
A total of 39000 credits has been paid from the city treasury for maintenance and upkeep of structure.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
....and 50 down !
Friday, March 13, 2009
Scylla Population
Correcting yesterday's widely off guesstimates:
Number of guilded characters on March 13 209 (incl. alts, 3rd slot, multiple accounts, inactive players and active players): 8368
Number of guilds : 334
Guild membership average : 25.05
Of which:
42 PA have 5 members
108 PA have 6-9 members
89 PA have 10-19 members
36 PA have 20-29 members
13 PA have 30-39 members
9 PA have 40-49 members
5 PA have 50-59 members
6 PA have 60-69 members
6 PA have 70-79 members
1 PA has 80-89 members
1 PA has 90-99 members
14 PA have 100+ members
2 PA have 200+ members (VR > ARES)
2 PA have 300+ members (KOTOR PA > GFF)
Taking minimal bracket value: 50% of characters are either in the lower tier or the upper tier of player associations.
If we guesstimate 25% of unguilded characters (it's vet server with lots of multiple accounts and few new players), that would bring Scylla to a total population of app. 10 000 characters.
These stats could be crossed with the GCW stats and the city ranking updates (though, it may still be possible to reside in two different cities) to give a more complete picture of a server population.
In Scylla's case, it seems that the 10 000 population guesstimate is strongly limited by : inactive players, 3rd slots, multiple accounts, which bring the active amount of players very low.
Well, that was my two bits of the day.
Number of guilded characters on March 13 209 (incl. alts, 3rd slot, multiple accounts, inactive players and active players): 8368
Number of guilds : 334
Guild membership average : 25.05
Of which:
42 PA have 5 members
108 PA have 6-9 members
89 PA have 10-19 members
36 PA have 20-29 members
13 PA have 30-39 members
9 PA have 40-49 members
5 PA have 50-59 members
6 PA have 60-69 members
6 PA have 70-79 members
1 PA has 80-89 members
1 PA has 90-99 members
14 PA have 100+ members
2 PA have 200+ members (VR > ARES)
2 PA have 300+ members (KOTOR PA > GFF)
Taking minimal bracket value: 50% of characters are either in the lower tier or the upper tier of player associations.
If we guesstimate 25% of unguilded characters (it's vet server with lots of multiple accounts and few new players), that would bring Scylla to a total population of app. 10 000 characters.
These stats could be crossed with the GCW stats and the city ranking updates (though, it may still be possible to reside in two different cities) to give a more complete picture of a server population.
In Scylla's case, it seems that the 10 000 population guesstimate is strongly limited by : inactive players, 3rd slots, multiple accounts, which bring the active amount of players very low.
Well, that was my two bits of the day.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Game Update 8
Kudos for the improvements on City management and Guild management. More details can be found here.
As far as TMB is concerned, it falls at a bad time, with FCTS and Demolition Day, nevertheless, something to look forward to on other servers.
For the greater Scylla server, the guild management system offers a powerful insight into server population. I should make a serious count, but from the overall look, about 700-800 players are guilded on the server. Adding a completely guesstimate about non-guilded population of 25% of server population (given that it's a veteran server with many alts / multiple accounts), that would put the Scylla population in the small 1000's.
The new management systems enable also to check players' offline time, which, taking the example of TMB, can go in 4 digits numbers for some citizens (and yet, their structures are not abandoned. Should look into that too at some point).
Thus, Scylla's server population of an approx. 1000 has to factor ghosts. No guesstimates on that. Guessing the server forum may wake up from its lethargy in reaction to the new tools.
As far as TMB is concerned, this time from a mayor point of view, city update will take place in two days. There will be another city contraction, it is unavoidable, with 10 citizens short of the required level for "City" rank (i.e. Rank 4).
As far as TMB is concerned, it falls at a bad time, with FCTS and Demolition Day, nevertheless, something to look forward to on other servers.
For the greater Scylla server, the guild management system offers a powerful insight into server population. I should make a serious count, but from the overall look, about 700-800 players are guilded on the server. Adding a completely guesstimate about non-guilded population of 25% of server population (given that it's a veteran server with many alts / multiple accounts), that would put the Scylla population in the small 1000's.
The new management systems enable also to check players' offline time, which, taking the example of TMB, can go in 4 digits numbers for some citizens (and yet, their structures are not abandoned. Should look into that too at some point).
Thus, Scylla's server population of an approx. 1000 has to factor ghosts. No guesstimates on that. Guessing the server forum may wake up from its lethargy in reaction to the new tools.
As far as TMB is concerned, this time from a mayor point of view, city update will take place in two days. There will be another city contraction, it is unavoidable, with 10 citizens short of the required level for "City" rank (i.e. Rank 4).
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Demolition Update

With Demolition Day, Rettep Sunrunner's last building has been removed from the city. Rettep was the original founder of the city with Jed and Tarn. Among his many contributions were the scouting of the current city site, the city's first website, and of course, many hours spent in various adventures, from the mundane to the caves of Kashyyyk or to the Village. Thanks again for all the memories.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
City Contraction
FM: City Hall
Date: Sun. March 8th
The city of Twin Mountain Base has contracted to rank 4 due to lack of population. Some of your civic structures may have been destroyed. Please check the city manage terminal report menus and your email for more information.
Date: Sun. March 8th
The city of Twin Mountain Base has contracted to rank 4 due to lack of population. Some of your civic structures may have been destroyed. Please check the city manage terminal report menus and your email for more information.
City Maintenance XXXV
From: City Hall
Object: City Maintenance
Date: Sat. Mar. 7th
Mayor Tarn Pagott,
A total of 41350 credits has been paid from the city treasury for maintenance and upkeep of structure.
Object: City Maintenance
Date: Sat. Mar. 7th
Mayor Tarn Pagott,
A total of 41350 credits has been paid from the city treasury for maintenance and upkeep of structure.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Badge List
Junior Wrecking Crew added for Tarn.
Created a character on Europe Infinity to seek Hero of Tansarii Point Station Badge, got it, deleted char afterwards...Useless exercise, but rewarding from a badge frustration point of view...
Created a character on Europe Infinity to seek Hero of Tansarii Point Station Badge, got it, deleted char afterwards...Useless exercise, but rewarding from a badge frustration point of view...
Demolition Day Update
Twin Mountain Base’s structures, March 5th 2009
There are currently 113 structures in the city. 10 structures have been destroyed already, bringing the total of structures to 123; of which:
- 21 are civic structures (terminals, city decorations, gardens, civic buildings)
- 101 are player structures (small, medium, large houses of Tatooine and Generic styles, Mustafarian bunkers, merchant tents, guildhalls, cantinas), of which:
Abandoned: 63
Remaining: 38
To be transferred: 5 (Free CTS and CTS)
List of structures:
1. (unnamed house)
2. 1 (abandoned)
3. 1 (abandoned)
4. 7 Emperor Palpatine Way – Darkossk’s House
5. Aces in the hole HQ (abandoned)
6. Ah’le Anehi Imperialist
7. AITH Advanced Shipyards (abandoned)
8. AITH Elite Laboratory (abandoned)
9. AITH Store House (abandoned)
10. Aitih Ymowou (abandoned)
11. Apouh Oithow
12. Arynidal Palace (abandoned)
13. Atiwa’s house (abandoned)
14. Banking Terminal
15. Cassis’s House
16. City Banner Kit: Lok Flag
17. City Decoration: Lamppost: Welcome to TWIN HQ
18. City Decoration: Statue: Venimus, Vidimus, Vicimus
19. City Hall
20. Cloning Center
21. Daz and Dirty (abandoned)
22. Dougs’s house (abandoned)
23. Downtown North – Darkossk’s Bunker
24. Dube (abandoned)
25. Dumptruck’s Dump
26. Ella Depot (abandoned)
27. Enkarn’s Stronghold
28. Fallen Hero’s
29. Febostaks not really meatshack (abandoned)
30. Foobis’s house (abandoned)
31. Ground Space and Beyond (abandoned)
32. Helga’s house of pain (abandoned)
33. Herot 5 (abandoned)
34. Herot 6 (abandoned)
35. Herot 7 (abandoned)
36. Herot 8 (abandoned)
37. I like candy (abandoned)
38. Ibaoki Nao
39. Ibaoki’s House
40. In Memory of Mory Jenday
41. Inisk Demolition Expert (abandoned)
42. Isasywi’s House
43. Jed Hull
44. Jed Hull Repository
45. Jeiread’s Shoppe
46. Kaalimar’s house (abandoned)
47. Large Dantooine Garden
48. Large Dantooine Garden
49. Large Tatooine Garden
50. Large Tatooine Garden
51. Maraalus Scharix (abandoned)
52. Meatshack on the mountain (abandoned)
53. Meatshields ‘R US (abandoned)
54. Medium Tatooine Garden
55. Meep’s little piece of heaven (abandoned)
56. Mission Terminal
57. Mission Terminal: Artisan
58. Mission Terminal: Bounty Hunter
59. Mission Terminal: Entertainer
60. Mission Terminal: Imperial
61. Mistress Meep of the Notorious (abandoned)
62. MrMoe’s Office
63. Nakkiti
64. Nas Choka the Emperor’s Hand (abandoned)
65. Nas’s house (abandoned)
66. Nas’s house (abandoned)
67. Necktonn’s house (abandoned)
68. Nekton’s emporium (abandoned)
69. Ne-Va
70. Ocknock’s guildhall (abandoned)
71. Ocknock’s house (abandoned)
72. Oklo’s hole (abandoned)
73. Ommedo’s little shop (abandoned)
74. OneNice Girl’s House
75. Oropp’s Outlet
76. Parking Garage
77. Peiri’s tent (abandoned)
78. Ploperfet (abandoned)
79. Ratboy Brad NGE Respec Jedi!
80. Reaper’s house (abandoned)
81. Recon Dawn (abandoned)
82. Rettep Sunrunner Ranger Outpost (abandoned)
83. Retter Sunrunner Interior Commissioner (abandoned)
84. Rev
85. Serendipity (abandoned)
86. Shuttleport
87. Skillzkillz’s house of pain (abandoned)
88. Small Tatooine Garden
89. Small Tatooine Garden
90. Small Tatooine Garden
91. Snigal’s house (abandoned)
92. Stryx
93. Swipp’s House
94. Syfhen’s House
95. Tarn Pagott
96. Tarn’s House
97. Teradok’s armory (yes he’s back)
98. Teradok’s Crafting Stuff
99. Treela wyndwalker (abandoned)
100. Truis Dav (abandoned)
101. Twin Mountain Base Militia HQ (abandoned)
102. Twin Mountain Base Museum
103. Twin Mountain Conclave
104. Under Construction
105. Valthron’s House
106. Vell Ianape’s (abandoned)
107. Vilouss’ Sanctuary
108. Vothmar’s house (abandoned)
109. Wrath The Kimogila Klaw Kantina
110. Yerkaa Isard
111. Young House
112. Young Storage
113. Zupposk’s armory (abandoned)
There are currently 113 structures in the city. 10 structures have been destroyed already, bringing the total of structures to 123; of which:
- 21 are civic structures (terminals, city decorations, gardens, civic buildings)
- 101 are player structures (small, medium, large houses of Tatooine and Generic styles, Mustafarian bunkers, merchant tents, guildhalls, cantinas), of which:
Abandoned: 63
Remaining: 38
To be transferred: 5 (Free CTS and CTS)
List of structures:
1. (unnamed house)
2. 1 (abandoned)
3. 1 (abandoned)
4. 7 Emperor Palpatine Way – Darkossk’s House
5. Aces in the hole HQ (abandoned)
6. Ah’le Anehi Imperialist
7. AITH Advanced Shipyards (abandoned)
8. AITH Elite Laboratory (abandoned)
9. AITH Store House (abandoned)
10. Aitih Ymowou (abandoned)
11. Apouh Oithow
12. Arynidal Palace (abandoned)
13. Atiwa’s house (abandoned)
14. Banking Terminal
15. Cassis’s House
16. City Banner Kit: Lok Flag
17. City Decoration: Lamppost: Welcome to TWIN HQ
18. City Decoration: Statue: Venimus, Vidimus, Vicimus
19. City Hall
20. Cloning Center
21. Daz and Dirty (abandoned)
22. Dougs’s house (abandoned)
23. Downtown North – Darkossk’s Bunker
24. Dube (abandoned)
25. Dumptruck’s Dump
26. Ella Depot (abandoned)
27. Enkarn’s Stronghold
28. Fallen Hero’s
29. Febostaks not really meatshack (abandoned)
30. Foobis’s house (abandoned)
31. Ground Space and Beyond (abandoned)
32. Helga’s house of pain (abandoned)
33. Herot 5 (abandoned)
34. Herot 6 (abandoned)
35. Herot 7 (abandoned)
36. Herot 8 (abandoned)
37. I like candy (abandoned)
38. Ibaoki Nao
39. Ibaoki’s House
40. In Memory of Mory Jenday
41. Inisk Demolition Expert (abandoned)
42. Isasywi’s House
43. Jed Hull
44. Jed Hull Repository
45. Jeiread’s Shoppe
46. Kaalimar’s house (abandoned)
47. Large Dantooine Garden
48. Large Dantooine Garden
49. Large Tatooine Garden
50. Large Tatooine Garden
51. Maraalus Scharix (abandoned)
52. Meatshack on the mountain (abandoned)
53. Meatshields ‘R US (abandoned)
54. Medium Tatooine Garden
55. Meep’s little piece of heaven (abandoned)
56. Mission Terminal
57. Mission Terminal: Artisan
58. Mission Terminal: Bounty Hunter
59. Mission Terminal: Entertainer
60. Mission Terminal: Imperial
61. Mistress Meep of the Notorious (abandoned)
62. MrMoe’s Office
63. Nakkiti
64. Nas Choka the Emperor’s Hand (abandoned)
65. Nas’s house (abandoned)
66. Nas’s house (abandoned)
67. Necktonn’s house (abandoned)
68. Nekton’s emporium (abandoned)
69. Ne-Va
70. Ocknock’s guildhall (abandoned)
71. Ocknock’s house (abandoned)
72. Oklo’s hole (abandoned)
73. Ommedo’s little shop (abandoned)
74. OneNice Girl’s House
75. Oropp’s Outlet
76. Parking Garage
77. Peiri’s tent (abandoned)
78. Ploperfet (abandoned)
79. Ratboy Brad NGE Respec Jedi!
80. Reaper’s house (abandoned)
81. Recon Dawn (abandoned)
82. Rettep Sunrunner Ranger Outpost (abandoned)
83. Retter Sunrunner Interior Commissioner (abandoned)
84. Rev
85. Serendipity (abandoned)
86. Shuttleport
87. Skillzkillz’s house of pain (abandoned)
88. Small Tatooine Garden
89. Small Tatooine Garden
90. Small Tatooine Garden
91. Snigal’s house (abandoned)
92. Stryx
93. Swipp’s House
94. Syfhen’s House
95. Tarn Pagott
96. Tarn’s House
97. Teradok’s armory (yes he’s back)
98. Teradok’s Crafting Stuff
99. Treela wyndwalker (abandoned)
100. Truis Dav (abandoned)
101. Twin Mountain Base Militia HQ (abandoned)
102. Twin Mountain Base Museum
103. Twin Mountain Conclave
104. Under Construction
105. Valthron’s House
106. Vell Ianape’s (abandoned)
107. Vilouss’ Sanctuary
108. Vothmar’s house (abandoned)
109. Wrath The Kimogila Klaw Kantina
110. Yerkaa Isard
111. Young House
112. Young Storage
113. Zupposk’s armory (abandoned)
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Upgrading this blog
Attempting to add a slideshow to this blog is, so far, no easy task. Tried with Picasa and with Flickr. Must be doing something wrong...
Demoltion Day : update
It appears that there's a five buildings a day limit...Tarn will thus remain on Scylla for a while longer (19 more days), in order to obtain the "Wrecking Crew Mogul" badge. Tarn's home furnishing is fast becoming more sophisticated with the acquisition of the Emperor's Senate chair, lamp and desk, as well some of the xeno line furnitures (table and couch).
Dusk of a city

Over the last years, the ranks of the Antarian Rangers had dwindled. From a 100 beings strong force and another 100 sympathizers, it was down to 44 beings and 44 sympathizers. The war had taken its toll on the organization - and today's raid was going to worsen the situation.
Although the city was now deserted except for Tarn, Ibaoki, Kelv, and Siot, the city's evacuation has come too late. ISB agents combing the future rubbles for clues would identify most members of the organization. The only good news - to an extent - was that the Empire didn't know of the evacuation expecting the Rangers to put up a fight, and thus had planned for a wave of atmospheric bombardments before entering the city.
Tarn knew that. Information from the Imperial Base came to him regularly and accurately. After all, the Rangers were adept spies and had a good network of informants...80% of the city was slated for destruction, but on Lok and several other planets, other destructions would take place too.
When the Empire initiated "Demolition Day", it relied on spatial imagery and records from Planetary Authorities to identify "abandonned" buildings to be removed, via all necessary means. A heavy-handed method to be sure, but effective nonetheless.
As far as the Rangers were concerned, it was the second most threatening policy the Empire had enacted. The first one, enacted few years ago, was the regulation of independant scouts and rangers. Faced with multiplying actions of sabotage and attacks on Imperial facilities or convoys from Republican loyalists and surviving Separatists, the Empire thought it best to "regulate" these professions. Almost overnight, all the independant ranger and scout trainers were gone. Hired into Imperially-approved guilds or executed. For the Rangers, new recruits and a valuable network of informants and sympathizers disappeared in a pinch.
Demolition Day and FCTS final preparation

Tarn switched back to regular combattant to avoid the off chance that he'd come across an enemy special force during Demolition Day and end up in the cloner.
Left to do:
Proceed to Demolition Day
Remove Lok flag from Kimogila Way
Pack up the Museum
Pack up Tarn's house
Pack up Ibaoki's house
Disband Twin Mountain Base (guild)
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Preparing for Demolition Day and the transfer
In preparation of Demolition Day and the Free Character Transfer Service, several changes have taken place in Twin Mountain Base.
Ibaoki Nao has withdrawn her vendors from the merchant tent on Kimogila Way. Her vendors are located in her house, until her transfer, during March.
City Zoning has been disabled until the new administration comes in. With Tarn's coming departure around March 4th, U-lan Qirs will move into the city and challenge Tarn Pagott for the city election. Ibaoki Nao will vote for U-lan, thus securing his election. Ibaoki Nao will then transfer and her replacement will come in.
In order to reduce City Maintenance cost for the arrival characters, City Registration has been disabled, City Specialization has been removed, Old Trainers have been removed. These measures will lighten the city maintenance cost by 10 000 credits.
Ibaoki Nao has withdrawn her vendors from the merchant tent on Kimogila Way. Her vendors are located in her house, until her transfer, during March.
City Zoning has been disabled until the new administration comes in. With Tarn's coming departure around March 4th, U-lan Qirs will move into the city and challenge Tarn Pagott for the city election. Ibaoki Nao will vote for U-lan, thus securing his election. Ibaoki Nao will then transfer and her replacement will come in.
In order to reduce City Maintenance cost for the arrival characters, City Registration has been disabled, City Specialization has been removed, Old Trainers have been removed. These measures will lighten the city maintenance cost by 10 000 credits.
New Badge
Completing the final quest for the Ewok Festival of Love comes the final badge of the event. Always a pleasure. End of the zany moments.
City Maintenance XXXIV
From: City Hall
Object: City Maintenance
Date: Sat. Feb. 28th
Mayor Tarn Pagott,
A total of 53350 credits has been paid from the city treasury for maintenance and upkeep of structure.
Object: City Maintenance
Date: Sat. Feb. 28th
Mayor Tarn Pagott,
A total of 53350 credits has been paid from the city treasury for maintenance and upkeep of structure.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Elections anyone ? XV
FM: City Hall
Obj: Election won
Date: Sat. Feb. 21st
Congratulations, Mayor Tarn Pagott!
The populace of Twin Mountain Base has elected to retain you for another term. Your rights and privileges as Mayor have not changed. The next mayoral election has started and the results will be tabulated in three weeks' time.
The city thanks you for your continued service.
Obj: Election won
Date: Sat. Feb. 21st
Congratulations, Mayor Tarn Pagott!
The populace of Twin Mountain Base has elected to retain you for another term. Your rights and privileges as Mayor have not changed. The next mayoral election has started and the results will be tabulated in three weeks' time.
The city thanks you for your continued service.
City Maintenance XXXIII
From: City Hall
Object: City Maintenance
Date: Sat. Feb. 21st
Mayor Tarn Pagott,
A total of 53350 credits has been paid from the city treasury for maintenance and upkeep of structure.
Object: City Maintenance
Date: Sat. Feb. 21st
Mayor Tarn Pagott,
A total of 53350 credits has been paid from the city treasury for maintenance and upkeep of structure.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Accounts woes
Well, it seems that this time, the account is fixed. This comes as a relief. Will enjoy 1 year of play. Thanks to all those that expressed support and / or partook in the solution.
City Maintenance (XXXII)
From: City Hall
Object: City Maintenance
Date: Sat. Feb. 14th
Mayor Tarn Pagott,
A total of 53350 credits has been paid from the city treasury for maintenance and upkeep of structure.
Object: City Maintenance
Date: Sat. Feb. 14th
Mayor Tarn Pagott,
A total of 53350 credits has been paid from the city treasury for maintenance and upkeep of structure.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Poll Results
The results for the poll regarding which planet / space sector is your favorite are out: Lok comes first, with Kashyyyk second. Next time, I hope then more than 3 ppl will answer, but so far, there's a consistant voting pattern, so let's not ditch it!!
Corellia Times
The Corellia Times has gained an increasing visibility recently. With three articles receiving major viewings, "Who are the Meatlumps?, part I & II", Corellia Times Exclusive "Life Day Revealed", and Corellia Times "Consumer Reports: Vehicles".
Behind these successes are the efforts of the team of journalists, Halden Was (Coronet), Vani Kor (Coronet), Marles Jacobe (Restuss) and Hol't Deb Orah. In addition, the journal has a network of various invisible hands: a Corellia Times vendor (Coronet), a Corellia Times Reporter (Coronet), two Corellia Times Investigators (Coronet and Tyrena), all under the direction of Finn Shalo, the Corellia Times Editor.
The Corellia Times building is located in Coronet, we will have to wait for the next major article. Until then, writing will remain under the logo shrouding in secrecy the crypted datapads the journalists use to write their articles...
Behind these successes are the efforts of the team of journalists, Halden Was (Coronet), Vani Kor (Coronet), Marles Jacobe (Restuss) and Hol't Deb Orah. In addition, the journal has a network of various invisible hands: a Corellia Times vendor (Coronet), a Corellia Times Reporter (Coronet), two Corellia Times Investigators (Coronet and Tyrena), all under the direction of Finn Shalo, the Corellia Times Editor.
The Corellia Times building is located in Coronet, we will have to wait for the next major article. Until then, writing will remain under the logo shrouding in secrecy the crypted datapads the journalists use to write their articles...
Tribute to Pex

When he left SOE to brighter skies (hopefully), his departure was widely regretted and the farewell bash was well attended - even on Scylla (see post).
I was quite glad to see a tribute to his work and efforts. With luck, he'll be included in the official canon thanks to this vendor.
Restuss Chronicles (VI)

In other parts of the Galaxy, on Talus, Corellia and Naboo, the various factional locations have been in Imperial hands for a while. So much so, that rallying banners and stimpacks E have been delivered.
Sales Report
So Free CTS is raging...Ibaoki's sales report show the exodus from the Scylla server. No sales at all. Not resources, no RE, no bits and pieces from the Small Shop of Wonders. Tough month.
Museum of Natural History (XVIII)

Native Endor camby berries and flower bouquets have been added into the Flora Room. The camby berries are part of the traditional Ewok diet. During the Love Festival, they are dipped in chocolate to enhance the flavor. Camby berries come the Cambylictus tree
The flower bouquets are illustrative of the Ewok floral displays arrangements. These arrangements tend to be monochromatic (red or yellow), which may indicate a cultural bias against color mixing. In turn, this choice of arrangement may be illustrative of the Ewok flower symbolism. In this particular case, the colors / types of flowers are given during the Love Festival, thus linking their meaning to the event.
Finally, the Museum's collection is honored with a truly rare display. A heart drawn on a bit of bark from the Great Tree, symbol of the Festival of Love. The Great Tree occupies a prominent position in the Ewok belief system - and may be considered as a direct reference to the Living Force, as in the case of most naturalistic cults. The symbolism is therefore very strong with this item, suggesting the direct gift or origin of love from the Great Tree, the source of life itself. This could imply that in the Ewok psyche, love is the product of life - not a sentiment born by people - but rather, some sort of natural law.
All these items are on display at the Museum, so make sure to come and visit!
Spy Revamp
Chapter update 7 brought up the Spy profession Revamp. A lot has been said about it on the various threads relating to the profession or the update. It seems that the new abilities will give the spy profession a welcome DPS boost (coming out of shadows and in regular combat) and a greater useful when grouped (savagery expertise). All in all, a better spy in PvE and instances. As far as PvP is concerned, I can't really give an evaluation, I don't PvP enough. Looks promising so far.
Ewok Love Festival

For the second edition of the Festival, celebrations are taking place in Tyrena, Kadaara and the southern Ewok Lake Village. Silliness was expected - after all the Galactic Moon Festival was quite silly too - but this one is beyond silly, it's downright absurd.
Chocolate fountains, flowers, flying hearts and winged Ewoks make it all quite syrupy. Yes, love in the modern depictions is quite syrupy, but the stories associated with the Festival are plain cheesy. So much so, that being used to a more vibrant storytelling the obvious answer to all quests is hard to find (I confess to using the guide). The obvious answer ? Love, of course, as a cure to all issues.
When, on the hour, Kyoopid (sic!) appears at random and asks for a commitment to Love (/cry), the pain is almost unsufferable. SWG writers are usually much better than that; introducing Cupid into the SW lore portrayed as a flying Ewok is really hurting (hopefully, it will not reach cannon level) especially since the Cupid mythos is not as cute as contemporary descriptions show. Cupid a.k.a. Amor, born of Venus and Mars (or Jupiter, depending on the author) is the Roman myth of the Greek myth of Eros and the Indian myth of Kama...So far so good. Kama, however, is extremely well known in the Western world because of the book with which it is associated, the Kama Sutra. I don't know about anyone else's feelings, but I really can't bear the image of Ewoks practicing the Kama Sutra. At least, it explains one oddity in the flying Ewok costume, the heart-shaped tattoo on the right buttock. Naughty Ewoks...
This posts looks a bit like a rant, in a way, it is. I will however grant the Festival, three redeeming features : there are three badges to get (and I'm a badge-whore), and four items that will go into my personal collection, the two flower bouquets, the heart shaped chak from the Great Tree and the camby berries (see the Museum of Natural History post). Finally, when the winged Ewok familiar is summoned, the chocolate-dipped camby berries eaten and the costume donned, it is possible to have a pinkish buff line. It's silly, but it made me laugh.
Account issues
January has been quite unnerving as far as logging into the game was concerned - hence the little amount of posts. Since January 5th, I've been repeatedly barred from accessing the game, because I couldn't renew my subscription. Several tickets and phone support later, I found out that my account was locked, because I attempted to pay with my credit card and SOE's secure payment flagged the transaction each time...
So, a first set of tickets and chats granted me a Three Days Pass (Jan. 20th - Jan. 23rd) during which I was able to renew my subscription...only to see it gone after the three days. A new set of tickets, chats and phone support, granted me a 10 Days Pass (which is currently in effect).
In theory, I should now wait for the 10th day to elapse, wait one day to make sure that my account is closed and I shall be able to renew my subscription. I'll wait to see that...
In the meantime, I have discovered that the 10 Days Pass is a Trial Account, meaning, I have no access to VoiceChat (there's no one in Scylla, atm so that's not really an issue) and limited Spatial Chat, with the odd consequence that I had to finish a conversation using /tell and /reply.
The real unfortunate consequence of all this, is with the Demolition Day Sarlaac Trash Can Deluxe version of the reward, which is likely to be downgraded to the regular version since my account has not been active during the identified windows of time. Obviously, I've prepared for a new set of tickets, to petition the issue. More soon...
So, a first set of tickets and chats granted me a Three Days Pass (Jan. 20th - Jan. 23rd) during which I was able to renew my subscription...only to see it gone after the three days. A new set of tickets, chats and phone support, granted me a 10 Days Pass (which is currently in effect).
In theory, I should now wait for the 10th day to elapse, wait one day to make sure that my account is closed and I shall be able to renew my subscription. I'll wait to see that...
In the meantime, I have discovered that the 10 Days Pass is a Trial Account, meaning, I have no access to VoiceChat (there's no one in Scylla, atm so that's not really an issue) and limited Spatial Chat, with the odd consequence that I had to finish a conversation using /tell and /reply.
The real unfortunate consequence of all this, is with the Demolition Day Sarlaac Trash Can Deluxe version of the reward, which is likely to be downgraded to the regular version since my account has not been active during the identified windows of time. Obviously, I've prepared for a new set of tickets, to petition the issue. More soon...
Elections anyone ? (XIV)
FM: City Hall
Obj: Election won
Date: Sat. Jan. 31st
Congratulations, Mayor Tarn Pagott!
The populace of Twin Mountain Base has elected to retain you for another term. Your rights and privileges as Mayor have not changed. The next mayoral election has started and the results will be tabulated in three weeks' time.
The city thanks you for your continued service.
Obj: Election won
Date: Sat. Jan. 31st
Congratulations, Mayor Tarn Pagott!
The populace of Twin Mountain Base has elected to retain you for another term. Your rights and privileges as Mayor have not changed. The next mayoral election has started and the results will be tabulated in three weeks' time.
The city thanks you for your continued service.
City Maintenance XXXI
From: City Hall
Object: City Maintenance
Date: Sat. Feb. 07th
Mayor Tarn Pagott,
A total of 53350 credits has been paid from the city treasury for maintenance and upkeep of structure.
Object: City Maintenance
Date: Sat. Feb. 07th
Mayor Tarn Pagott,
A total of 53350 credits has been paid from the city treasury for maintenance and upkeep of structure.
City Maintenance XXX
From: City Hall
Object: City Maintenance
Date: Sat. Jan. 31st
Mayor Tarn Pagott,
A total of 53350 credits has been paid from the city treasury for maintenance and upkeep of structure.
Object: City Maintenance
Date: Sat. Jan. 31st
Mayor Tarn Pagott,
A total of 53350 credits has been paid from the city treasury for maintenance and upkeep of structure.
City Maintenance XXIX
From: City Hall
Object: City Maintenance
Date: Sat. Jan. 24th, 2009
Mayor Tarn Pagott,
A total of 53350 credits has been paid from the city treasury for maintenance and upkeep of structure.
Object: City Maintenance
Date: Sat. Jan. 24th, 2009
Mayor Tarn Pagott,
A total of 53350 credits has been paid from the city treasury for maintenance and upkeep of structure.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Elections anyone ? (XIII)
FM: City Hall
Obj: Election won
Date: Fri. Jan. 09th
Congratulations, Mayor Tarn Pagott!
The populace of Twin Mountain Base has elected to retain you for another term. Your rights and privileges as Mayor have not changed. The next mayoral election has started and the results will be tabulated in three weeks' time.
The city thanks you for your continued service.
Obj: Election won
Date: Fri. Jan. 09th
Congratulations, Mayor Tarn Pagott!
The populace of Twin Mountain Base has elected to retain you for another term. Your rights and privileges as Mayor have not changed. The next mayoral election has started and the results will be tabulated in three weeks' time.
The city thanks you for your continued service.
City Maintenance (XXVIII)
From: City Hall
Object: City Maintenance
Date: Fri. Jan 02nd / Fri. Jan. 09th / Fri Jan. 16th
Mayor Tarn Pagott,
A total of 53350 credits has been paid from the city treasury for maintenance and upkeep of structure.
Object: City Maintenance
Date: Fri. Jan 02nd / Fri. Jan. 09th / Fri Jan. 16th
Mayor Tarn Pagott,
A total of 53350 credits has been paid from the city treasury for maintenance and upkeep of structure.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Gearing up for transfer
January's been quite an important month as far as gaming decisions were concerned. The free CTS (/freects) started, and I am reminded of that at each log in (mind you, I could ask for a monthly reminder...).
So there's much reading going on. The SWG page, the step-by-step guide to transferring, the Frequently Asked Questions or the Notes on the Free CTS from the GM Team. Personally, transfer issues revolved around whether it was necessary to remove crates of extra storage in houses, Aurillian resources and regular resources transfer. It seems that everything is working well, so my concerns are alleviated. Apparently, third character slot isn't a problem either. So now comes the decision over timing.
Being the city mayor, I have several choices: pull the plug on the city, sell the city hall, or keep the city within traditional TMB citizens (a dedicated alt or a friend's alt). Soon, Tarn will step down in favor of Ibaoki, so that I can prepare Tarn's transfer with no hassle (he's the beneficiary of the free transfer). Until I decide of what to do with TMB, I'll create an alt on the server, let's call him U-lan Qirs, who'll take over the city from Ibaoki, so she too can transfer. By then, March 3rd and its accompanying pack up house event will have taken place, with surprisingly little effects on TMB. We'll see if sometimes before that or a little after, announcements are made regarding city caps.
At any rate, from Tarn's point of view, the January - March trimester perks should be aplenty. On January 17th, he received his 5 Years of Experience title and with the Free CTS, the "born on Scylla" title. The Free CTS will grant the named painting as well as the gift box for a friend, the house pack up structure event may grant the Sarlaac Trash Can (or the Deluxe version) and, hopefully, many of the in game rewards during the event, the 63 month veteran reward on March 17th (either the Yoda fountain or the statue of the Emperor, hard to say...), whatever comes out from the Trading Card Game's Squadron over Corellia's loot or Champion of the Force's loot (got the organizational datapad last time, thanks:) and finally, collection rewards. Badge-collecting wise, I confess quite a desire to add the Demolition badges to the collection : junior wrecking crew worker, Wrecking crew manager extraordinaire, or even Wrecking crew mogul, collection badges would also be nice.
So there's much reading going on. The SWG page, the step-by-step guide to transferring, the Frequently Asked Questions or the Notes on the Free CTS from the GM Team. Personally, transfer issues revolved around whether it was necessary to remove crates of extra storage in houses, Aurillian resources and regular resources transfer. It seems that everything is working well, so my concerns are alleviated. Apparently, third character slot isn't a problem either. So now comes the decision over timing.
Being the city mayor, I have several choices: pull the plug on the city, sell the city hall, or keep the city within traditional TMB citizens (a dedicated alt or a friend's alt). Soon, Tarn will step down in favor of Ibaoki, so that I can prepare Tarn's transfer with no hassle (he's the beneficiary of the free transfer). Until I decide of what to do with TMB, I'll create an alt on the server, let's call him U-lan Qirs, who'll take over the city from Ibaoki, so she too can transfer. By then, March 3rd and its accompanying pack up house event will have taken place, with surprisingly little effects on TMB. We'll see if sometimes before that or a little after, announcements are made regarding city caps.
At any rate, from Tarn's point of view, the January - March trimester perks should be aplenty. On January 17th, he received his 5 Years of Experience title and with the Free CTS, the "born on Scylla" title. The Free CTS will grant the named painting as well as the gift box for a friend, the house pack up structure event may grant the Sarlaac Trash Can (or the Deluxe version) and, hopefully, many of the in game rewards during the event, the 63 month veteran reward on March 17th (either the Yoda fountain or the statue of the Emperor, hard to say...), whatever comes out from the Trading Card Game's Squadron over Corellia's loot or Champion of the Force's loot (got the organizational datapad last time, thanks:) and finally, collection rewards. Badge-collecting wise, I confess quite a desire to add the Demolition badges to the collection : junior wrecking crew worker, Wrecking crew manager extraordinaire, or even Wrecking crew mogul, collection badges would also be nice.
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