Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Museum of Natural History (XVIII)

With the Ewok Love Festival going on, it has been an opportunity to expand the collections of the Museum of Natural History.

Native Endor camby berries and flower bouquets have been added into the Flora Room. The camby berries are part of the traditional Ewok diet. During the Love Festival, they are dipped in chocolate to enhance the flavor. Camby berries come the Cambylictus tree

The flower bouquets are illustrative of the Ewok floral displays arrangements. These arrangements tend to be monochromatic (red or yellow), which may indicate a cultural bias against color mixing. In turn, this choice of arrangement may be illustrative of the Ewok flower symbolism. In this particular case, the colors / types of flowers are given during the Love Festival, thus linking their meaning to the event.

Finally, the Museum's collection is honored with a truly rare display. A heart drawn on a bit of bark from the Great Tree, symbol of the Festival of Love. The Great Tree occupies a prominent position in the Ewok belief system - and may be considered as a direct reference to the Living Force, as in the case of most naturalistic cults. The symbolism is therefore very strong with this item, suggesting the direct gift or origin of love from the Great Tree, the source of life itself. This could imply that in the Ewok psyche, love is the product of life - not a sentiment born by people - but rather, some sort of natural law.

All these items are on display at the Museum, so make sure to come and visit!

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