Saturday, July 5, 2008

Empire Day Celebrations

Twin Mountain Base's Mayor, Tarn Pagott, has been decorated during the Empire Day Celebrations by Lord Vader in Theed. This decoration was part of the numerous decorations offered to loyal citizens and Imperial officials whose work contribute to the Imperial rule. This decoration comes as a tribute to General Otto's strategy on Lok of installing strategically located small outposts in order to extend planetary control.

As Mayor of one of the oldest Imperial outposts on Lok, Tarn Pagott was chosen for his continued efforts for the city and the Empire. Mayor Pagott may be considered a controversial choice; self-styled liberal and outspoken critic of Imperial excesses, his work alongside Sean Trenwell in Bestine and author of an open letter to the Emperor his promotion as Hero of Empire Day may be seen as a gesture to Imperial liberals. While the Rebellion is reported to have gained grounds on some worlds, the Emperor may have chosen to woo back potential Rebel sympathizers. Since the dissolution of the Imperial Senate, moderate Imperials have found themselves facing mounting difficulties to express their concerns.

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