Sunday, July 20, 2008

TMB's mishappenings (V)

A bad day for the guild, with the departure of five estimed members, Brite Sunwalker, Iascoeto Fepa, Kohaeg Noubat, Vewock Eisis and Looser Bottom. Following a discussion with Kohaeg, the reasons for leaving are the difficulties in finding TMB members to partake in activities.

This departure comes as a rebuttal on the recruitment strategy in place in the guild. While concentrating on a recruitment with good players, with whom some gameplay had taken place, it made new (guild) blood rather rare and thus, the number of active players within the guild is falling. Beyond the recruitment issue, it's also the idea of first gathering a full strike team for events before going into events that is being questioned.

This should act as a reminder to organize events and to have a stronger input into guild activities. Thus, from now on, regular events, open to the extended TMB community will be organized so as to get as many people around. With luck, some may even come back into the guild, but at any rate, it will be a good opportunity to spend quality time with friends.

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