Friday, May 23, 2008

First we take Mos Eisley

As usually, it starts quite unexpectedly, running to the spaceport and passed a corner, running into a friend. "Hello, how are you ? Good to see you again". Then another comes up. "Hey good to see you too !" In the situation, the pleasure was even greater, as those are returning players, friends I hadn't see for a very long time. Obviously, this impromptu reunion is discussed by tells and live. Here comes another friend, dropping in to say "Hi". But what I said about taking a turn is true for everyone, and thus, one, then two friends do take the turn. And there we were, citizens, guildsmates, former guildsmates and former citizens chatting pleasantly. If it this was not enough, it was also the opportunity to meet yet someone new and making friends. The pleasure of the community, the challenges of the game, this is a great place to be. No matter what they say about low population servers, just a few good people is more than enough. Thanks for this great moment all.

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