Wednesday, May 7, 2008

History of TMB (III)

What's in a name ? The naming of Twin Mountain Base was an opportunity to confront the various philosophies that each founder lived by at the time. Although each and everyone enjoyed roleplay , felt strongly about being Imperial, and took a keen interested in the Galactic Civil War, the city's name was bound to be meaningful.

During the discussions, several ideas came forth. Names that would reflect a temporary state were immediately rejected (outpost, village, metropolis even), as the growth of the city would have made it odd. Welcome to the Village, Metropolis, Crafting Center...To name the then outpost after a founder was flattering, but somehow a little too egocentric and unfair to the others. Two trends emerged after a while : to reflect the martial sound of the Empire and to name the city after its surroundings. A first attempt was Marojville after the maroj melon foraged in place of City Hall - the melon on the mayor's desk, by the way - but, it was thankfully rejected. Finally, since the view from the emplacement of the City Hall is of two mountains, Twin Mountain was proposed. Base was immediately added to address the martial content, and the city was named.

The naming philosophy still persists nowadays in the city, streets are named after Imperial leaders (Palpatine Way) and after the city's natural surroundings (my favorite is the now levelled to the ground Pharple Corner).

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