Monday, May 5, 2008

Restoring TMB / Twin to its former glory

Here are the ads posted on the Scylla forum on the player association forum and the player cities forum.

City Name: Twin Mountain Base
Player Association Affilated: Twin Mountain Conclave
Current Mayor: Tarn Pagott
Location (Coordinates, nearest city, planet): Lok, -4450 -3724
Planned City Specialization (ex. Entertainment, Research): Improved Job Market (current)
City Faction (Neutral, Rebel, Imperial): Imperial
Property Taxes (Include current percentage): 0%
Sales Taxes (Include current percentage): 0%
Citizen Taxes (Include amount): 0%
Additional requirements to become a citizen: membership to Twin Mountain Conclave (preferable)
Number of members currently: 46
Website URL:

Twin Mountain Base is one of Lok's oldest players cities and is located near the Canyon Corsair POI and the Gurk King. The city is open all styles of play (GCW, PvP, Heroics / Instance Runs, PvE, Trade, Space, Roleplay). The current development plan for the city involves having a near parmanent entertainer and medic buffing facility, roleplaying events (such as ceremonies to honor GCW officers) and for those intersted, role playing story arcs.

For those just curious to visit, please drop by the Museum of Natural History, on Kimogila Way, by the shuttleport !

For those interested in moving in, please contact in game Tarn or Jed

PA Name: Twin Mountain Conclave
PA Abbreviation: TWIN
PA Mission Statement:
# of members: 46
# of active members: 3-5
PA activity (how many people are normally on): 3-5
Location: Twin Mountain Base, Lok
Accepting new members (yes/no): yes
Requirements to be considered for membership (such as faction, profession, attitude, etc.): Imperial, all professions, responsible attitude
Website URL:

Twin Mountain Conclave is Twin Mountain Base's official guild. Under new leadership, we're working to give TWIN its former glory ! Currently the guild activities are mainly focused on the Galactic Civil War, but Space pvp and roleplaying story arcs are under consideration. The guild comprises European and American players ensuring a regular presence during most hours. For further information, please contact Tarn.

The Great Bria Migration did hit hard Scylla, I'm confident that we can make our community vibrant anew. May the Force be with you in the peace of the Empire.

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