"A mysterious and timeworn shrine of unknown origin or purpose" was how it was described. Upon examination, of the three broken columns and the statue, all points to a Jedi Temple Ruin architecture.
The materials, style and designs match observed structures. The statue, similar from those seen in the Jedi Temple Ruin and in the Arch, can now be observed in details. It is a sword wielding cloaked / robed humanoid of unknown gender.
Curiously, the broken column in front of the statue reeks with visible bolts of energy that produces a crackling noise. A similar energy display was observed in the Lizard Cave, again on columns. This mysterious source of energy fails to register on my instruments, but auditory and visual perceptions confirm that it produces a physical effect.
According to my guide, the use of the word "shrine" denotes a spiritual / religious purpose of the structure. Asked whether he used it himself, he clearly indicated that the structure did not belong to his culture (native Dantari). Therefore, it is to assume that the term was used either in ignorance of the structure's culture or that knowledge and spiritual / religious practices have been known to the Dantaris. However the exactitude of the term, the location, well up in the hills, offers a grandiose viewpoint over the entire region and the peace of the place is bound to help meditative composures.
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