Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Eweev's tales from Scylla (2)

Darkness and power filled him, causing t he screen in front of him to swim in front of his eyes.

Something was wrong, but it felt right to him.

Colney slid back from the screen he had been watching, reaching out towards the darkness but not finding it had no origin. But, he still felt it.

He closed his eyes, calming his mind. He touched the bond he shared with his wife. Sadness filled him when he realized he hadn’t touched her bond in weeks.

Atest felt darker than she had. But, Colney was convinced that it wasn’t his wife he was feeling. He brushed her lightly in the force, feeling first surprise then love flooding back to him.

His thoughts turned back to his sister, seeking out her bond.

Colney’s head swam. He wasn’t even aware of his head hitting the desk.

Death surrounded him everywhere he turned his head. Dead and dismembered bodies were strewn all around. Darkness pervaded this place.

As he searched this place, in his mind’s eye, he knew something bad had happened here. Something that shouldn’t have happened.

It felt familiar.

Colney couldn’t place his finger on why it should feel this way. He felt he should know why this presence felt so familiar.

He walked among the carnage, careful not to stop on any of the bodies or body parts littering the floor as he reached out his senses.

He felt stronger. The dark side was pulling him as it never had b before. Beckoning with a promise of immense power.

Colney’s eyes opened wide in horror. He was back at his desk. His head hurt where it had fallen and hit the hard wood.

“What have you done, Little One?” he asked the empty room.

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